Golden Hour Summer

Jun 23, 2024    Jason Byers

Golden H.O.U.R.

H : Humbly enter God’s presence with honed eyes, an honoured heart, and hungry soul.

Humility: God first, God best

Honed: trained over time and keen on Him and His word

Honoured: confident and happy in the presence of both King and Daddy

Hungry: Jesus is water, bread, healing, life-source to the “branches”, don’t you want that!?!

O : Orient aspects of yourself and your life toward what you see in God.


Note what you see about God’s character and actions, then talk to Him about it.

Talk to God about your life.

Spend time in silence, listening as best you can.

Offer the various parts of your life on the altar of surrender.

U : Come Under grace

R : Respond to however God leads.