Discipleship Pathway

How we develop disciples who SEE, BE, GIVE , and GO

Designed to aid discipleship through guiding people through "growth rhythms", we see God cultivating us into people who are growing in our worship, faithfulness, and joy, such that our delight is rooted in God and spills out on others.

What will be your next "yes" to Jesus?
The pathway is part "path" in that it represents a typical progression without being a strict recipe. It is part "checklist" in that it is a trustworthy set of knowledge and practices without trying to be an exhaustive list. It is part "tool" to communicate our vision, help you connect, and prompt us each to take our next step in knowing Jesus more and making Him known to all peoples.

Understanding Growth Rhythms

Life follows rhythms.

Whether growing tomatoes or learning a new skill . . . 

We sow ideas and effort;

We work and cultivate . . .

We "bear fruit" (show)

and share with joy!

We reap what we sow.
Therefore our first steps on the Pathway are the "soil & seeds"
of how we  SEE, BE, GIVE, and GO.

Sunday Worship
If you've come to church, even once, you've taken a huge and important step in the beginning of a walk with Jesus. Way to go! Worshipping together is a major way that we SEE, BE, GIVE, and GO.
Connect Card
If you're new, have had info change, or have a need or question fill out a connect card so that we can be in touch. We'd especially like to know how we might pray for you or celebrate with you in this season.

Click here for the card!
Parlour Chat
Frequently, our Pastor or Elders will be hanging out in the parlour after the Sunday service to get to know you, answer questions, and pray with you. Be sure to stop by and say hello.
C!Connect Class
A class for people who want to learn more about who we are, what we believe, what we're up to, "membership," and how to get connected.

Click here to see details and our next class
Learn to Stop
Before we "go" along the Pathway, we need to "Learn to STOP". Using the book "The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry" by John Mark Comer as a key resource, this class aims to address our culture's obsession with hurry, productivity, and consumption . . . and the effect that they have on our hearts.
Memorize a Bible Verse
You don't always have a Bible in your pocket (or your device), and having Bible verses memorized can provide you with encouragement, guidance, and wisdom throughout different periods of your life. Pick one verse and give it a try! Don't know where to start? Ask us!
12 Core Statements
These key statements describe a mature and equipped disciple. They provide us with a clear VISION for what we are aiming with SBGG, and they also provide an EVALUATION tool to gauge our progress. (This is why they are on the Path twice!)

Click here to see the 12 Core Statements
Additional Resources
More resources for SOWING: Click Here

This growth phase includes careful cultivation through building good relationships, healthy habits, and a solid faith-foundation.

Additional Resources
More resources for GROWING: Click Here
Baptism stands as one of the most important steps of obedience for a follower of Jesus. Though Christians sometimes disagree over the "mode" of baptism, there's no denying the significance of celebrating our union with Christ through His death, resurrection, and new life. Reach out to know more

 Contact us to take the next step.
Join a Ministry Team
Celebration! has several ministries that are made of up of people who want to faithfully carry out the redemptive work of God in our church and in the community of Ottawa. As we SEE, BE, GIVE, and GO, we sometimes lean-in to GIVE: love like Jesus! Join us in serving both for your own benefit and for others.
Join or Start a Lifegroup
Part of how we do community in the church is to gather throughout the week in small groups to study the Bible, learn more about discipleship, wrestle with faith, and encourage each other in our daily lives. We have found these groups to be very LIFE-giving, that's why we think everyone ought to participate in a Life Group. Consider joining a LG . . . or maybe Jesus would have you start a new one!
C!Discipleship Course
This course works a bit like what would traditionally be called "catechism," which teaches people who are newer to Christianity about the foundational beliefs and practices of the faith. This is designed to be concise, straightforward and reproducible.
"Practicing the Way"
This study aims to teach us to live by an active apprenticing of Jesus that could be described as "a Rule of Life: a set of practices and relational rhythms that slow us down and open up space in our lives for God to do what only God can do." "Practicing the Way" is a book by John Mark Comer and builds nicely on our "Learn to STOP" course, giving us a common vision for discipleship and common language to use.
"Women of the Word"
Based on Jen Wilkin's book "Women of the Word: How to Study the Bible with Both Our Hearts and Our Minds," this group study aims to equip everyone (not just women!) to appreciate the Bible and study it inductively to know God and follow Him.
Practice a "Fast" in the Community
Fasting is a spiritual practice that Christians have been doing for all of history, entering into a period of prayer and abstinence from eating in order to seek wisdom, perspective, and sometimes to mourn. This has become somewhat of a lost art in today's Christian culture. We think every disciple of Jesus should practice occasional fasting to help sharpen our hunger for God. When you are starting, it's often helpful to fast alongside someone else. Ask a friend, a LifeGroup leader, and keep an ear out for times when we will be engaging in special times of fasting all together as a church family.
GROW Events
Grow events are seminars and trainings held throughout the year at our church which aim to equip us in growing in our faith.
Attend a Prayer Meeting
Prayer is an integral part of faith and walking with Jesus. We want all disciples of Jesus to have a regular, consistent practice of prayer. Praying with others is also important, and we likewise want our church to be regularly and consistently praying together in community. Come join a prayer meeting to take a step in talking to, sharing with, and trusting God through the practice of prayer.
"Family Discipleship
Families are a big deal to God, and families are our primary mission field. This resource, "Family Discipleship: Leading Your Home Through Time, Moments, and Milestones" will give you tools and ideas around leading your family well in the way of Jesus and also prime you for a journey of family discipleship alongside others in our church.

Blooming flowers and budding trees have a way of eliciting joy.
So it is with well cultivated spiritual fruit  --- we love to see signs of God working in and through us!

Exhibit a Pattern of Sabbath
From the beginning, God has established a regular rhythm of rest that creation itself is called to participate in. Sabbath rhythms enrich our experience of God, life, and help sustain us for the road ahead. That may look a bit different for each person in practice, but a disciple of Jesus needs to discern how to "keep the sabbath holy."
"Ways of the Alongsider"
This group-oriented work-book study grows us beyond knowing what it means to be a disciple of Jesus into developing as a disciple who makes disciples.
Mail an Encouragement to Someone
This is a simple way to start a practice of acting intentionally to express love to our neighbor.
SHOW Events
These are events that occur throughout the year and are aimed at giving us opportunities to exercise and display what God has been sowing and growing in us. 
Meet a Felt Need Anonymously
Christian love is a selfless love that doesn't seek applause. Watch what happens in your heart when you serve someone for the pure sake of loving/serving others.
Thoughtfully Take Communion
Also known as "The Lord's Supper" or the "Eucharist", the Bible calls followers of Jesus to pay special attention to our hearts when participating in this powerful practice of remembering and proclaiming His death until He comes. We cover details of this in our C!Connect class and C!Discipleship Course.
"Knowing God"
This much beloved group study based on the book "Knowing God" by J.I. Packer takes readers into deep waters through contemplating the wonder, glory and joy of knowing God.
David Platt's book Radical has been encouraging Christians to leave behind their own assumptions that come from living in a North American context. Churches are often tempted to choose comfort over gospel faithfulness. Platt encourages us not to give in to that temptation.
SHOW Events
These are events that occur throughout the year and are aimed at giving us opportunities to exercise and display what God has been growing in us.
Learning to Lead
Learning to lead is an extension of the pathway aimed at intentionally developing leaders in our faith community.
12 Core Statements
These key statements describe a mature and equipped disciple. They provide us with a clear VISION for what we are aiming with SBGG, and they also provide an EVALUATION tool to gauge our progress. (This is why they are on the Path twice!)

Click here to see the 12 Core Statements
Additional Resources
More resources for SHOWING: Click Here

Sharing is a fundamental part of created things. Flowers pollinate, fruit have seeds, followers of Jesus have love and Good News to share!

Bring a Friend to Church
Walking with Jesus is something that we are all made for. That's why he's asked us to "make disciples" of all nations. Invite a friend to church, introduce them to the hope that his community has found and is celebrating.
SHARE Events
Share events will happen throughout the year and are aimed at training us to share our faith, and/or provide us opportunities to share it.
"Field Guide to Everyday Mission"
"A Field Guide for Everyday Mission: 30 Days and 101 Ways to Demonstrate the Gospel" is a work-book based group study that mobilizes us into a Great Adventure whether you "feel like a missionary" or not.
"God Space"
This group study works through the Doug Pollock book "God Space: Where Spiritual Conversations Happen," a book that helps Christians navigate moments in life when we feel compelled to engage our friends and co-workers in a conversation around faith.
"How to Tell the Truth"
In this book, Preston Perry reflects on his upbringing and how he was exposed to a variety of different truth claims that are inevitably floating around us all the time in the western world. This is a biographical story meant to guide us in discerning the truth and to empower us in evangelism.
Share a Testimony
We've all got a story. And the story of how God rescued you is one of the most beautiful, compelling things that you can share with a community of believers. This is something that christians have done since the early church as a way to build up and encourage the community.
Go on Mission
"On mission" could be near or far, but it definitely represents intentional "going." From the beginning of the church, Christians have been compelled to go to the far corners of the world to share the gospel and make disciples of every nation. This is a worthy goal for every christian and one we hope everyone at Celebration! will regularly, prayerfully consider.
Additional Resources
More resources for SHARING: Click Here

Discipleship Pathway

Why do we need a pathway? 

There’s an irony in the modern church around discipleship strategies that you probably understand intuitively:

On one hand, we are incredibly blessed to have more high quality discipleship resources and opportunities than ever before!

On the other hand, the problem is that we have more high quality discipleship resources and opportunities than ever before!

Sometimes there are so many options --- questions --- voices --- opportunities that we are overwhelmed, and/or confused, and/or shell-shocked into inaction (a paralysis of options) . . . or we get stuck perennially consuming and never get around to making disciples.

The biggest goal of the Pathway is NOT to get people "checking boxes", but rather the goal is to get people to OWN discipleship and disciple-making.

Our motivation in building the Discipleship Pathway is to help our church sort through the myriads of discipleship material and present a trustworthy guide to becoming a mature and equipped disciple as part of our church family.
We hope this vision and structure more effectively enables your journey.

Do you want to "own" discipleship with us? 

Have any questions?